Resize of your images online
Resizing images is a commonly needed task for image and photo editing. In certain situations, you may need to meet specific size requirements for images or upscale existing images. To accomplish this, you can utilize the free online tool, Aspose.Imaging Resize application. This online app enables you to increase the size of your photos. You have the option to upload one or multiple images in various file formats, increase image size, and then download the results.
Increase size by percentage
After successfully uploading files, you can adjust the file size by specifying the exact percentage value in the form or by simply moving the slider from left to right. The new file size in pixels displayed next to the file name in a blue box. For example, if we increase the file size to 200% from ‘640×400’ pixels, the resulting size will be ‘1280×800’ pixels.

Increase size by dimensions
Alternatively, you have the option to specify the desired file size by entering new dimensions in pixels. You can set new values for both width and height, or adjust only one of these dimensions while checking the “Keep aspect ratio” box to calculate the other value automatically. In our example below, the original image size increased from ‘640×400’ pixels to ‘2048×1280’ pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Resampling type and image format settings
After defining the image scales, you have the flexibility to choose a resampling type, which determines the algorithm used for increasing the image size. Although High-quality resample suits most cases, you may use other resampling algorithms: Lanczos, Bilinear, Cubic B-Spline, Catmull Rom, Cubic Convolution, Mitchell, SinC, Bell, which may better suit particular cases. Next, select the desired file format for the resulting images. This means you can convert the images from one file format to another, selecting from the available options for conversion.

Finally, you have the option to either download the resized files directly from the provided link or save them to your cloud storage.

Increasing image size is a widely performed operation that you can easily carry out online on the Aspose.Imaging Resize application webpage. With this free app, you can upload your files, upscale images or photos to your desired size, and subsequently download them in your preferred file format.
See also
Aspose.Imaging Crop free online application
How to edit your photo or image programmatically